Sunday, February 24, 2008

February 24 thru March 1

This is National Eating Disorders Awareness Week.
There will be no potluck. Pie will not be served.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

On This Day in History

1907- President Theodore Roosevelt signed an immigration act which excluded "idiots, imbeciles, feebleminded persons, epileptics and insane persons" from being admitted to the United States.

A hundred years later we can see that President Roosevelt was prophetic: The U.S. is able to produce home-grown idiots and imbeciles.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Year of the Rat

Is it a coincidence that our election year is also the Year of the Rat?
A subtle Chinese connection?

Another Rat fact:
I was reading a health magazine and was surprised at one warning:
There is a chemical in some nail polishes that causes cancer in rodents.

Next month: Humans in shoes can cause squashing-death to spiders and ants.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

The Right Reason

I don't support nor will I vote for Barack Obama. I take this stand based on his politics not the color of his skin and certainly not based on some Internet rumor that he's a Muslim.

The current circulating email claiming that he is Muslim has been disproved. That it was forwarded by Conservatives saddens me. (You know who you are.) Shame on you- we're supposed to be the good guys, the ones who tell the truth, who stand for the truth.

Email rumors are the same as lies from the town gossip or from the spitful family member who drops insinuations like bread crumbs. A lie is a lie, it doesn't gather respectability just because it came in the mail.

Don't perpetuate gossip. Read the entire article on

Monday, February 4, 2008


Sunday, February 3, 2008

Word Up

Dear Lord~
Just as I asked on Dec 29th, I'd really like for the Giants to win today.
Also, just wanted to remind you that these are the NEW YORK Giants, not the Philistine giants.
These are good giants. The Patriots are cheaters and therefore, NOT GOOD.
I, however have been very good- oh wait, that was for Santa so never mind with that part.
Giants=Good, Patriots=Evil. I'm just saying. . .