Thursday, March 27, 2008

On This Day In History . . .

. . .Juan Ponce De Leon, also known as "The Ponce", discovered Florida. He began his search for the Fountain of Youth.
Obviously, it was not in Florida where the average age is 82.5. Citizens still search for the miracle waters as evidenced by the large number of cars driving aimlessly about with their left turn signals on.

I understand that the Democratic Party denies the existence of intelligent life in Florida and Michigan. Wait! I've got that wrong- there's no evidence of intelligent life in the Democratic Party.

You want proof? Howard Dean, the Clintons, Obama, Ted Kennedy, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi- I could go on but I need to bathe after typing those names.


Don the Baptist said...

Shouldn't that be "he bought a TRUSTY ship for his voyage," instead of "bought a ship for his TRUSTY voyage."

Maybe it's just me...

Kathleen Flynn said...

You're absolutely right! I confess that I didn't watch the whole thing. Claymation creeps me out.